About Us

The Nagaland State Biodiversity Board was established vide Notification No. For/Works-11/04 dated the 12th March 2005. It is an autonomous body which looks after its administrative and financial matters aided by the Central and the State government and carry out its technical and scientific functions under the Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and in conformity with Naga customs and traditions. The Board consists of twelve members including the Chairperson, five ex-officio members, five non official members and Member Secretary appointed by the state government.

The Head Office of the Board is situated in the state capital- Kohima. The Board have its own secretariat facilitated and supported by the State government.

Composition of the Board:

Chairman: Shri. E. Mhonbemo Patton, IAAS (Principal Secretary, EF&CC, GoN)

Member Secretary: Shri. Supongnukshi Ao, IFS (Chief Conservator of Forest, EF&CC, GoN)

Ex-Officio Members (As per Rule 11 of Nagaland State Biological Diversity Rules, 2012)

Sl. No. Designation
1. Agriculture Production Commissioner, Nagaland
2. Principal Chief Conservator  of Forest & HoFF, Nagaland
3. Secretary, Department of Tourism
4. Principal Secretary/ Comm. & Secy. Forest Department
5. Chief Wildlife Warden

Experts- Non-Official Members (As per Rule 8 of Nagaland State Biological Diversity Rules, 2012)

Sl. No. Name Designation


Staffs of the Board:

Sl. No. Name of the Post No. of Staff(s)
1. Technical Executive cum Consultant 1
2.  Technical Executive 2
3. Accounts Assistant 1
4.  Computer Assistant 1
5. LDA cum Computer Assistant 1
6.  Peon 2
7.  Driver 1
8. Sweeper 1


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